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jeff photo by luis paez.jpg

Photo by Luis Paez

Thank you for visiting my website. I was born in New Orleans Louisiana in 1981. I was put into a gifted art class during my school days. I learned a lot from those teachers, especially Noel Poché. In 1999 at the University of New Orleans I took a drawing class taught by John Davis. It was in that class that I learned how to perfect my pencil skills, and soon lead to my first portrait works. I graduated with an associate degree in graphic design in 2002. In 2005 we ended up temporarily relocating to Shreveport Louisiana when hurricane katrina blew thru New Orleans taking with her everything we owned. I started a small skateboard company in Shreveport which turned into a successful art business when we moved back to New Orleans in 2007. In 2008 our beautiful baby boy, Ethan was born. I soon started drawing with pencils again. I feel more passionate working in pencil vs any of my other mediums. I hope you enjoy my work. I will be posting new drawings to this site frequently as well as hitting the festival scene with my mobile art gallery every other weekend. So keep an eye on my festivals page to find me on location. Have a wonderful day.

- Jeffrey St. Romain


1st place: Artigras Art Fest

2nd place: St. James Court Belgravia

2nd place: Cincinnati SummerFair

Merit Award: River Arts Fest

Artistic Merit: Red River Revel (2 years)

Juror's Choice: Covington Three Rivers 

Award of Excellence: Arts, Beats & Eats (2 years)

Award of Distinction: Covington Three Rivers

Patron Award: Images Festival of Art

Juror Award: Ft. Worth Main Street Art Fest 


Photo by John Muniz

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Thanks for checking out my website. I really enjoy creating art and bringing it out into the world. I can't thank my collectors enough for making my dream a reality. 


I'm constantly working on new art. Please keep an eye here on my website as I post new work. I also post drawings in progress on my Facebook and Instagram pages

©2006 - 2024 Artist Jeffrey St. Romain

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